
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Back At It

It's been a while, but here I am again. I've taken a recommendation to post three or four times a week, and only interesting things. Hopefully that will keep my creative juices flowing sufficiently enough.
Today is a beautiful day for biking, running, picnicing or anything else outdoors. Spring has sprung! With that in mind, and it being Sunday, I loaded up and headed to Giant for weekly groceries. I didn't need much this week since I made a big haul last week, so I was able to pick up a few treats I can't normally carry on my weekly shopping trips, namely a whole frozen pizza and a 6 pack of t.p. Hey it's the little things, ya know?
While shopping, I received the monthly Redbox free DVD code, in fact, while I was browsing Giant's own limited DVD selection. I had my eye on Season 3 of Seinfeld. But alas, Redbox beckoned. I purchased my groceries and checked out the Redbox at Giant. Nothing great that I hadn't already seen. So I loaded up the bike and pedaled home, unloaded my haul, then rode over to the Turkey Hill to check out their options. I found two discs I was interested in. On the way home, I detoured to a bicycle infrastructure sign I had been wanting to take a picture of, simply for it's unexplained existence. See below. The end of a bike route, that lies in the shadow of an enormous, abandoned warehouse in a residential neighborhood just north of my neighborhood. I've run and biked by this sign many times and wonder why a bicycle route would just end. I've followed the signs in the opposite direction and it's a rather nice recreational route, not very functional at all, but nice just the same.
I've thought to map this marked route to make it more useful and accessible to the adjacent neighborhoods. Perhaps my new connections to those bicycle movers and shakers might be of assistance in this endeavor.
Anyway, on my way home from the photo shoot, I was charmed to see several children in two distinct groups riding bicycles through the neighborhood. It seemed they were riding for transportation, to get somewhere, not just for the fun of it. It's good to see that at the first hint of Spring, all those little guys and gals finding the freedom to discover their way on two wheels. That's good news for our future.
I'll see you out there.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine making groceries on a bicycle. You might need one of those kid things that you could pull behind it for big trips....

    My experience has been once a week posting is good for me. Too much posting and busy peeps won't read it. Not enough posting and people forget who you are.
